Monday, January 26, 2015

This project was about creating a satirical version of a controversial magazine ad. I chose to poke fun at the Monsanto corporation(in spite of the risk of being sued, tee hee.) I would like to say that this project was really easy, but uh...
The parts of the project that worked well were the fonts, the ad I found, and the picture I found to poke fun at the advertisement. At first, I didn't want to find something that would make me seem like a hipster special snowflake who hate all the big corporations because they know how to make money. I just wanted to find something that made me sick.
In all honesty I despise large corporations who use unfair patents in order to obtain more ill gotten gains. I understand patents are to used to protect someone's idea, but needing permission to use a seed is unacceptable. Monsanto should be allowed to sell the seeds, but enforcing use of a license? Hmmmm...

I think I am starting to get the hang of this photoshopping business. I can really use this for all sorts of silly jokes for people to see. It is also a great way to express what I am passionate about. Combine what I am passionate about with comedy and we got some satire.

Unit Reflection:
Part 1: Inquiry Questions
1.) I would say that advertisement is always around you. Getting someone to buy a product is easy as seeing a meatball sub. Advertisement comes in bill boards, radios ads, TV ads, sports gatherings, and more. Also, something can be an advertisement in disguise, for example, a select few documentaries like The Lego Story and Free2Play, are really just informative extended advertisements. Check them out, you'll see what I mean.
2.) Images persuading people to act is not about the severity of what you are trying to express, but how subtle you slip the thought into their brains. If you can incept the idea of something being wrong without being too blatant about what is the exact issue you want solved, you can get people to do anything. It's worked for thousands of years, just look at the bible.
3.) I want the government to stay out of anything people can handle themselves. I am not saying that I want little regulation, quite the opposite, in fact. I think that there comes a time when people should settle things themselves, and a time when the government should step in and make sure everyone is considered/ cared for. For example, People should be able make whatever they want media wise, and if they have the money to advertise it, they can if they want to. I don't want us to enter an age of censorship and conformity where no one can say anything considered wrong or too wild. People like Madonna really pushed us away from that kind of nonsense with some of her music. Once again, I am not leaning on the extreme, I am not saying vulgarity is what we should engage in, but we can never repress our human nature, nor should we attempt it.